Speak Up! playlist for 02/07/2023

Artist Title Album Label Link
Manila Grey Silver Skies No Saints Loading
Finger 11 Slow Chemical The Punisher, The Album
I fight Dragons Money Cool Is Just A Number / Welcome To The Breakdown 10th Anniversary
Hoodie Allen No Interruption All American
Program Audio: 

Hi everyone,

in today's episode of Speak Up! Vivienne had a live interview with some SFSS members about the SFSS election next week and the upcoming referenda. Vivienne spoke with Abhi, the Acting President, and Peter Hence, the Actintg VP Internal and Organizational Development, about the Spring 2023 referenda and which issues are discussed this year. They talked about By-law grammar, changes to increase accessibility for members of Council, the Council e-voting system and most important; the SFSS Health and Dental Plan Fee Increase.

After a short song break, a new guest came on board : Arthur, the representive for Sociology and Anthropology Student Union ( SASU).  Arthur spoke about his position and responsibilities as a Non-Executive Councillors for SASU. Further on they discussed how the election will continue.

Besides all of the election issues, Vivienne, Abhi, Peter and Arthur vibed together to songs, that Abhi choosed to play ( playlist above).

If you have any questions regarding the election, check out the SFSS website or the SFSS instagram!

Safe the dates:

SFSS Voting Period: Feb 14-16th, 2023

Voting via email: February 15-21, 2023

Membership Meeting: Feb 8th, 2023 at 5 pm, SUB 5th floor. ( Introduction of Candidate + free food and drinks! )

Feel free to reach out to Abhi, Peter and Arthur if you have any concern or questions:

Abhishek Parmar : president@sfss.ca

Peter Hence: vpinternal@sfss.ca

Arthur Lee: sociologyantroplogy.council@sfss.ca

Now please enjoy and tune in above!




  • Posted on: 7 February 2023
  • By: Vivienne