Get Started with CJSF: Register a new volunteer account
To get started with CJSF 90.1FM Radio you should register with our volunteer portal called Better Impact.
If you are new to CJSF, you will need to create and account and fill out and application form where you can tell us about your interests and experience. If you have used Better Impact before with other organizations you will have an account already.
Sign Up to CJSF on Better Impact
Once you have completed your application, you should sign up for an Orientation for New Volunteers. This can be found under the Opportunities tab as Administration - Volunteers - CJSF New Volunteer Orientation. At the Orientation you will learn more about CJSF, about the different volunteering opportunities that exist and how to get involved in different areas of the station.
Station Orientations are:
- the 1st Friday of each month at 2:30pm,
- the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 4pm,
- the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm,
- the 4th Wednesday of each month at 3pm
The next step is to go through On-Air Training. On-Air Training dates and times are posted in the station on the door of Studio B. You can also email for a list of upcoming on-air training dates.
CJSF also offers Production training, which is an introduction to sound editing using Adobe Audition, SoundForge and Audacity. Production training times and dates are posted on the door of the Production Studio. You can also email for a list of upcoming production training dates. Note: You will not be granted an on-air or production training session until you have completed the station orientation.