FCAT After School
On FCAT After School, students from across Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Communication Art and Technology speak with alumni about their career journey since graduation and gather advice for the next generation. Wondering what path to take at the end of your degree? Curious about past student experiences? Interested in learning more about the FCAT community? After School invites you into candid conversations with FCAT alumni in traditional and unconventional career paths across communication, interactive arts and technology, contemporary arts, publishing and digital media.
Social links:
Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology at SFU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FCATatSFU
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fcatatsfu
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/school/fcatatsfu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FCATatSFU
- Tuesday 4-4:30pm