Welcome Back, Music Fans! CJSF Virtual Record Club #9: Favourite Listens of 2021
CJSF’s (Virtual) Record Club is back for a brand-new year, so come on down and catch up with us as we talk about the best part of the last one — the MUSIC!
Join us this Thursday, Jan. 27 we share, chat about and groove to *~Your Favorite Listens of 2021~* with our host, CJSF Music's Ricky Castanedo-Laredo. Visit the CJSF Virtual Record Club #9: Favourite Listens of 2021 Facebook event to RSVP, and for the link to this month's Record Club on Discord.
Questions, kudos or suggestions (musical or otherwise?) Email the CJSF Music Department at cjsfmusc@sfu.ca.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - 10:45