CJSF Pizza Party II
Join us for our second Pizza and Volunteering Party/Meetup of the year (AKA Pizza Party II) at the CJSF studios (TC-216 on Burnaby campus) on May 18 from 4-8pm! There will be workshops, skill-sharing sessions, and a bunch of volunteer activities to take part in, capped off with a live in-studio music performance on the Arts Show at 7:30pm.
Try some new things and a great chance to meet other volunteers and get to know your helpful station coordinators. Pizza dinner, pop and juices for all participants.
We will have a variety of workshops and skill sharing sessions scheduled during the event, including Using DJLand and Creating Podcasts, Working with Portable Zoom Recorders, Intro to the New CJSF Website, Intro to the Production Studio, Creating Streeters, Music Library Orientation and more. Watch for a event schedule coming soon!
You can also take part in a variety of volunteer tasks and activities that will be happening at the station:
Help Out in the Music Department
Organize new music arrivals and the library, review new music, create Jumbalaya playlists for the month.
Help Out in the Production Department
Lend your voice to a PSA or Promo message, learn how to use the Production Studio and software.
Help Host a Radio Show
Sit in with an experienced host and be part of a radio program! No experience or training necessary.
Help Create Public Affairs Programming
Team up to do streeters. Learn about using the portable recorders, find out about doing interviews, arts reviews and other kinds of spoken word radio.
Come on out, eat some pizza, meet new friends and have some fun!
For more info on this event, contact Public Relations Coordinator Chris Yee at cjsfpr@sfu.ca or Station Manager Magnus Thyvold at cjsfmgr@sfu.ca