Typically Tuesdays playlist for 01/22/2024

Artist Title Album Label Link
Bashar Murad Mawtini Nafas
Desiree Dawson, Mona Haydar A Day Will Come SINGLE
DAM Mali Huriye (I Don't Have Freedom) Dedication
Bashar Murad Ya Leli Nafas
Nemahsis i wanna be your right hand SINGLE
Bashar Murad Nafas Nafas
TootArd Look me in the eyes Unmute
The Daughters of Jerusalem Gaza Henna
KOFIA Länge leve Palestina Jag skrev ditt namn
Program Audio: 

Global Strike for Palestine Week - With Handala

Who is Handala? Who was his creator? How does Handala inspire Palestinians around the world? And how does he inspire artists around the world to call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire for Gaza?

Playlist: Palestinian musicians and their allies



Handala: www.handala.org
The creator: Naji Al-Ali
The Palestine Chronicle: 'Hair Like a Hedgehog': Italian Artists Rise to Protect Iconic Palestinian Boy 'Handala'
With Handala: With Handala -- Demanding an immediate ceasefire
The Peace Kids mural: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Peace_Kids
TRT World: How a Swedish song from the 70s became a new Palestinian anthem


  • Posted on: 28 January 2024
  • By: lw