Sustainability Circle playlist for 06/07/2018

Artist Title Album Label Link
Program Audio: 

Teghan and Navreet have the opportunity to talk to Wade Grant, a nominee for Vancouver city councillor as part of the Non-Partisan Association and former band councillor of the Musqueam Nation. They discuss how sustainability ties into his personal life as a member currently residing on the Musqueam reserve. Conversations about Indigenous politics come up and how the recent process of reconciliation interlinks itself to existing policies and practices throughout the province and the city of Vancouver.

Episode Resource:
Our Responsibility to the Seventh Generation:

Thank you to Wade for his contribution to this podcast.
Recognition to Ryan Anderson for the music for our jingle from his song, “Happiness Is.”
This podcast is a collaboration between CJSF and Embark Sustainability.
Keep up to date with this podcast and all things Embark by following us on all social media platforms at @EmbarkSustain.

  • Posted on: 15 June 2018
  • By: cjsfpa