Speak Up! playlist for 12/12/2023

Artist Title Album Label Link
Ani DiFranco Little Plastic Castles Little Plastic Castles (25th Anniversary)
Program Audio: 

Tsēmā Igharas: Hughadēsłēł — give it all away
a discussion of the issues and ideas raised in Ighara's performance of  Hughad?s???  at the SFU Galleries in Fall 2022. See below for more details.
Perusi Whayancha - Pandemic Scare Away from Home

Witnessing Ts?m? Igharas: Hughad?s??? — give it all away
What does it mean to bear witness? The act of witnessing is also the act of universal acceptance.
Giving is intertwined with wealth and abundance, depending on the reciprocal relationship one has with land and community - it is this ideology that has helped Indigenous Nations maintain sustenance for centuries.
Following Ts?m? Igharas’ performance at SFU Gallery, in Fall 2022, Hughad?s??? — give it all away, guest participants were invited to recount the event in, as Igharas describes, “a collective remembering, a truth about an experience.”
Listen as participants Tanya Lukin Linklater, Alysha Johnny Hawkins, and Mique’l Dangeli share their witnessed encounters together in a conversation.
The original conversation was 75 minutes and for broadcast purposes the audio has been edited into 2 equal parts both opening with an introduction by the editors Haley McLean and Kristy Trinier.  Original sound editing is by Jean Brazeau, and the radio edit is by robin eriksson.
Hughad?s??? –        Hooge-Had-Desk_quel-ch
Ts?m? Igharas    –     Them- ma Ig-Har-As   
Tanya Lukin Linklater     Tan-yah Lookin Link- Later
Alysha Johnny Hawkins – Aleee-sha Johnny Haw -Kins
Mique’l Dangeli –    Mick-elle Dan-Geli
Haley McLean –        Hay-ley Mc - Leeeen
Kristy Trinier –         Kris-tee Trin-I-Er
Jean Brazeau –        Sz-ean Bra-szou

  • Posted on: 14 December 2023
  • By: mthyvold