Speak Up, Listen Up, Act Upon playlist for 11/10/2023

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Program Audio: 

Want to be intrigued? Tune in my SuLuAu radio show at cjsf.ca. I'm interviewing three artists featured at the Eastside Culture Crawl--the world's largest "crawl" where hundreds of artisians display their work and teach attendees. You will hear #GarrettAndrewChong photographer and "portals explorer"; , #ChantalCardinal -fibre art designer who dyes and incorporates wool, and #RosemaryBurd who uniquely embroiders photogtamhs of all dimensions. I believe you'll enjoy hearing how they connect their art practices, while also distinguishing their unique methods. #uniquefiberart#culturetransformation#photographypassion#fibreartdesign#EastVanCultureCrawl#naturephotography

  • Posted on: 10 November 2023
  • By: cjsfpa