Roots & Berries playlist for 06/16/2023

Artist Title Album Label Link
les wayfarers cold frosty morning fire on the hillside
the doggone brothers fishing with you s/t
the petersons the crawdad song my ozark mountain home
stringbean a-fishin' barn yard banjo pickin'
under the rocks ocean falls i am ready
trampled by turtles whiskey songs from a ghost town
michael daves & jacob jolliff true life blues single
the fly birds savage river the band is causing proble
the punch brothers next to the trash antifogmatic
aj lee & blue summit like i used to folk alley
po' ramblin' boys are you homesick in carolina back to the mountains
hawken horse rescue of jemima longhunter
Program Audio: 

Today's playlist is sprinkled with bands playing the Cowichan Valley Bluegrass Festival, on this weekend June 16-18. 

  • Posted on: 16 June 2023
  • By: cjsfprog